Buck Moon Remedy 16 July 2019 at 2.34pm

The lunar eclipse maximum moment was 2.31pm Yukon time and the full moon moment was 2.38pm, so this was made in the moments between the two… and I must say that the energy was high, I could feel it running through me like electricity! The July moon is called the Buck moon because it is the time when deer/bucks start to develop their antlers, and […]

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Remedy Ritual Full Blue Moon in Scorpio 18 May 2019

At the side of the Yukon River in Whitehorse, I dipped my bowl to collect some water. Then I poured brandy over the water at 2.11pm, to “fix” the blue moon energy at the exact moment of fullness. I also said a prayer to set the intention to engage in the most healing way with the intense energy of this Scorpio full moon. Scorpio deals […]

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